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Youth-led Social accountability

Operational research conducted in Ethiopia, Malawi and Ghana

These reports present the findings of an operational research on youth-led social accountability activities within the Get Up Speak Out programme in Ethiopia, Ghana and Malawi, and the effects these activities have had on young people themselves, their sexual and reproductive health and rights and the quality of youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services.


About GUSO:

Get Up Speak Out (GUSO) was a five-year programme (2016-2020) developed by a consortium consisting of Rutgers, Aidsfonds, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, Dance4life, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Simavi. The programme was financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the SRHR Partnership Fund.

The programme addressed the following problem: “Young people do not claim their sexual rights and their right to participation because of restrictions at community, societal, institutional and political levels. This hinders their access to comprehensive SRHR education and services that match their needs and ability to make their own informed SRHR decisions”. The GUSO consortium addressed this problem in seven countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda. The change that was envisioned is that all young people, especially girls and young women, are empowered to realise their SRHR in societies that take a positive stance towards young people’s sexuality.

  • en Youth-led social accountability study - Ethiopia Download
  • en Youth-led social accountability study - Ghana Download
  • en Youth-led social accountability study - Malawi Download