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Inclusive, Impactful & Inspiring: Enhancing the Beijing+25 & Generation Equality Forum

A Right Here Right Now Position Paper

The Generation Equality Forum and Beijing+25 celebrations are opportunities to address young people’s SRHR and engage youth in decision-making and agenda-setting on these issues. This position paper, written by SRHR Expert Sanne Thijssen, provides an overview of the current status of affairs relating to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), Adolescent-Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services, Access to Safe and Legal Abortion, LGBTI Rights and Meaningful Youth Participation (MYP). It also underlines RHRN’s position and provides recommendations on ways to refine the Beijing+25 / GEF process and spaces to be inclusive to all, impactful in its results and inspirational for future action. Young people must not be left behind at the Generation Equality Forum!

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